2 Feb 2023

Implications for the world of work and social dialogue
Implications pour le monde du travail et le dialogue social
Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitswelt und den Sozialen Dialog
The 8th European Social Week will be held from Thursday 23 till Saturday 25 February 2023 in Lyon. We will be meeting in Lyon, with CFTC as our organizing partner.
Registration form EN
Formulaire d’inscription FR
Anmeldeformular DE
Modulo di registrazione IT
Formulario de inscripción ES
Posted in: ESRI, ESW
22 Oct 2021
Learn more about this proposal to rebalance the economy. It is an initiative of Economy for the Common Good and might be of interest for all who want to contribute to a greener economy. The website explains what the Common Good Product is and has a link to a petition on the occasion of the G20 summit, 30–31 October 2021.
Tags: common good, green economy
Posted in: ESRI, ESW
19 Jan 2021

Semaines Sociales de France have published a manifest as the outcome of the last two meetings of SSF, dedicated to ‘Rebuilding society’. SSF will welcome any comment you may offer on this Manifesto, to highlight differences with your country situation or common features.
Posted in: ESRI, ESW