- ESR-Institute portal - https://esrinstitute.eu -

About us

The European Social Week brings together representatives of the organizations of the workers and of the employers, as well as representatives of social organizations, of consumer organizations, human rights organizations, organizations working in social housing, in education, in care, in development cooperation; of national Social Weeks Network organizations; all kinds of Christian social organizations, both catholic, protestant or otherwise Christian; and from East and West Europe, from all of Europe; all sharing the task of securing the presence and the actualization of Christian Social Thinking, its leading values and principles, and thus help shape the European society that we want.

General secretary

Tel: +49 (0)2241 2517 414
Mail: uhuett@t-online.de [1]
IBAN: BE17 3630 8598 8621

Discussion platform http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3849457&trk=hb_side_g [2]

Members of the committee

President, Herbert METZGER, AZK, Germany, herbert.metzger@netcologne.de [3]
Program director Robert WEBER, Luxembourg, rowe@pt.lu [4]
General secretary, Udo HUETT, Germany, uhuett@t-online.de [1]
Coördinator, Bruno MACHIELS, Beweging.net, EZA-Plus, Veldstraat 151, BE 9140 Temse, Belgium, esri@telenet.be [5]
Webmaster, Freddy SMET, Belgium, fsmet@telenet.be [6]


Hans BRUNING, Stichting SOCIRES, Netherlands, h.bruning@socires.nl [7]
Tony DE JANS, Beweging.Net, Belgium, tony.dejans@beweging.net [8]
Mathias HOMEY, EZA (Europaïsche Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen), Research Associate, Germany, homey@eza.org [9]
Dominique PANNIER, Semaines Sociales de France, France, dm.pannier@gmail.com [10]
Bartho PRONK, Honorary president EZA, Netherlands, bartho@barthopronk.com [11]
Sigrip SCHRAML, General secretary EZA, Germany, schraml@eza.org [12]
Cor VAN BEUNINGEN, Socires, Netherlands, c.vanbeuningen@socires.nl [13]


Slobodan ANTOVSKI, President of YHACM, Macedonia
Prof.Dr. Ralph BERGOLD, Director of KSI, Deutschland
Paolo CESANA, Director of Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Italia
Carlo COSTALLI, Italia
Piotr DUDA, President Solidarnosc, Poland
Elke HANNACK, Vice-president DGB, Deutschland
Marie-Josée JACOBS, Former Minister, Luxembourg
Karl-Josef LAUMANN, President CDA, Deutschland
Fritz NEUGEBAUER, Honorary president GÖD, Austria
Dominique QUINION, Présidente Semaines Sociales de France
Joseph THOUVENEL , Vice-president CFTC, France

Contactpersons social week

Matej CEPIN, SAK Socialna akademija, Slovenia, matej.cepin@skavt.net [14]
Patrick DE BUCQUOIS, Altercité, Belgique, caritas.fr@skynet.be [15]
Jean HALLET, Honorary president, Belgique, jhallet@skynet.be
Silvio ISPAS, Social week Romania, Romania, ifes@ifes.ro
Thomas ROSNIAK, Social week Poland, Poland, t.roziak@eds-fundacia.pl
Ihor SHABAN, Social week Ukraine, Ukraine, ecumenism@ukr.net
Janina ŠVEDIENE, Social week Lithuania, Lithuania, ldforg@ldf.lt [16]